Crime falls in Brentford and Isleworth

Overall drop in crime marred by increase in burglaries

Reported crime has fallen in the Brentford and Isleworth area. Crime statistics show a fall in reported incidents from 1,544 (July - Sept 2--3) to 1,476 notified offences (October to December 2003). This is a reduction of 4%. Totals fell in all four Local Authority wards, with the biggest fall in Syon ward.

There was an increase in burglaries throughout the area - an extra 18 incidents, a 12% increase. A third of all crimes related to handling stolen goods. There were 233 increases in criminal damage, with Brentford being the worst affected areas. 50% of offences consist of thefts from or of a motor vehicle.

Incidents of violence against the peson fell quite dramatically, with a fall in reported offence from 303 to 252, a fall of 16%. Three quarters of these incidents resulted in minor or no injuries.

Crime in the area will be discussed at the next Brentford and Isleworth Area Committee.
Brentford Free Church, Boston Manor Road, Brentford.
Thurs 5th Feb2004 7.30pm.
An agenda can be seen here.

Jan 27 2004

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