Man Charged With Rape

After Attack on Teenage Boys Last Week


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Brentford Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)
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Half Acre
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A man has been charged in connection with the alleged rape of a pair of teenage boys in Brentford.

Nathan Gilmore, 19, of no fixed address, was arrested in Chiswick on Wednesday, June 8.

He appeared at Feltham Magistrates' Court on Thursday, charged with three counts of rape, making threats to kill, false imprisonment, robbery and a public order offence.

Two other men, aged 19 and 21, were arrested in connection with the investigation last Thursday. They have both been bailed to return for questioning in August.

The attack is alleged to have taken place last Tuesday (May 31), at about 10.30pm. The exact age of the teenagers who claim to have been attacked is not known.

Police have appealed for anyone with information about the alleged assault to contact the Met's Sapphire unit on 020 8721 9100.

June 10, 2011

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