Burglars Masquerading As Police Officers

Don't let them succeed in Brentford, ask for their warrant card


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Police Sergeant Nathan FANE
Brentford Safer Neighbourhood Team
Brentford Police Station
Half Acre

Office tel: 020 82475974
Mobile tel: 07881723891

In an emergency ALWAYS dial 999
For all NON emergency calls use 0300 123 1212
If you have no mobile signal, 999 will NOT work but 112 will put you straight through to the emergency services.

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There have been several artifice (cunning) burglaries in the Hounslow area, though not in Brentford yet. The suspects have been posing as Police Officers to attempt to gain entry into homes.

The first suspect is a white male approx 40-45 years old and about 5 foot ten. He is of a medium build, clean shaven, has a London accent, wearing a waist length jacket, blue clothing, possibly wearing a hat.

The second suspect is also a white male approx 25-30 years old and is about 6 foot tall. He is of a slim build, clean shaven, London accent, wearing 3/4 length jacket.

They have been telling residents that they have just arrested someone in their front garden and want to check the rest of their house to make sure everything else is fine and nothing has been taken or anybody else is in their home.

You should not be letting anyone into your home without first seeing there identification. A Police Officer in uniform or in plain clothes and Police Community Support Officer (who will always be in uniform) will always have their warrant card on them. This is the one thing that they must have on them at all times. Never feel embarrassed to ask to see it before they step into your home.

January 29, 2010

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