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Firstly, fill in the budget proposal consultation even if you just send a quick two lines email. The deadline is Monday 24th January.

Almost 7,000 people have already responded to the consultation, either online at www.hounslow.gov.uk/budget, or by returning a questionnaire.

Cllr Jagdish Sharma, leader of the London Borough of Hounslow, said: "The response we have had to this consultation has been nothing short of amazing.

"The range, depth and sheer volume of the response are on a scale we have never seen before.

"The responses are vital to helping us make the tough choices about where we can save money after the Government cut £60 million from our budget for the next four years - so make sure you have your say if you haven’t already!

"I wish we didn’t have to make these choices, but that is the reality we face.

"Despite this, I am optimistic about the future. The response shows that we have thousands of people who care about their community, and are passionate about improving it for everyone.

"With this kind of community-spirit, I am confident that, together, we can get through the tough times ahead."

The consultation questionnaire was sent to households across the borough at the beginning of the month. This contained a list of the savings that directly affect residents.

Secondly, fill in the Library Closure consultation with a deadline of Friday 28th January.

Thirdly, Conservative councillor for Osterley and Spring Grove Sheila O'Reilly has organised a meeting for residents this Saturday outside Osterley Library at 11am.

She said: "People can come along and share their views and also sign a petition. Getting rid of the libraries is a short saving, and won't save a great deal".

Please turn up and show your support.

Fourthly, please post on the forum to show your support, or lack of it, for different proposals. If you would like to join a read-in to demonstrate your support for Brentford Library, there is a thread to show support for.

Fifthly, sign the e-petition for Brentford Library.

Please remember when filling in the budget consultation that many services other than libraries face being axed (Youth Services) or severely minimised and they all need residents' support, even if they don't get the same publicity.

January 20, 2011

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