Community Hall Consultation

Yet Another Council Consultation

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The London Borough of Hounslow is currently carrying out a budget consultation around potential cuts to services for next year.

One of the proposed cuts is to transfer the management and operation of community halls back to the community and remove this from the existing leisure contract. The potential saving from doing this is £288,000 per annum.

Cllr Pritam Grewal, lead member for leisure and well-being, said:

“To do this in a sustainable way, we know that we would need to provide support to any organisation or group of individuals to take on the operation of this service.  We also know that the level and type of support to do this will vary from hall to hall.

“We would expect that any offer or proposal would need to protect existing use and user groups and ensure that the halls continue to provide a service for the communities they serve.”

The halls at risk in this option are:

•           Feltham Assembly Hall

•           Heston Village Hall

•           Isleworth Public Hall

•           Montague Hall

If the council cannot find suitable partners to make this approach work, it will potentially have to close these facilities.

If individual residents or an organisation (or a group of organisations) would be interested in taking on the operation of the hall they use, they can email

January 20, 2011

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