Opinions sought by council on Heston Pool project |
Extensive revamp for Heston Pool requires extensive consultation
Heston people need to give their views on the biggest change to leisure facilities in the area for 80 years, according to the council’s lead member for leisure. The Council’s Cabinet agreed late last year to a £15million revamp and a public consultation on the changes starts next week (Monday 14 May). The aim is to create an improved leisure centre that allows people to do more, and is also more energy efficient. Council officers and staff from its leisure partner, Fusion, will also hold public drop-in sessions on 28 May and 31 May (both 5pm to 8pm) at Heston Library to explain the thinking behind the changes and to answer any questions. There will also be a display of the plans at the library for two weeks. Cllr Pritam Grewal, Hounslow’s cabinet member for leisure and well-being, said it was vital that the public gave their feedback. He said: “This project is hugely important to Heston. “The current leisure centre was built in the 1930s and is in need of new equipment and redevelopment, as it is no longer cost-effective and unable to compete with more modern centres. “All our other leisure centres have now been refurbished, and I am excited to get some feedback on this project, so I urge residents in Heston to add their voice to the public consultation.” The proposal for the new Heston Leisure Centre includes:
The new centre will be built on the existing site but the library, Heston Village Hall and current play area will remain open during the works. The local scout group will be permanently relocated to a nearby building. The plans include better links with Heston Park through the removal of some fences and a revamp of outdoor play areas near to the fairground site. Feedback from the consultation will be taken into account when developing the planning application for the site, which will be submitted later this year. For more information, visit www.hounslow.gov.uk/consultation or telephone 020 8583 5555. May 10, 2012 |