The Future of Hounslow Town Centre

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Public consultation has begun on a new plan for the regeneration of Hounslow town centre.  In line with current council policy, the consultation is scheduled to run for a period of four weeks from Friday Feb 23rd to Friday 24th March.  Details of the consultation can be found on the council’s website along with a questionnaire and contact details.

 The SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) is based on a detailed masterplan for the town centre that sets out a strategy for the delivery of physical change and regeneration in Hounslow.  The guidance contained within the SPD translates the masterplan proposals into a series of development principles which will be a material consideration in determining future planning applications in the town centre.  The masterplan document can be viewed on the council’s website

 The purpose of the draft Supplementary Planning Document for the town centre is to:

·         Confirm the council’s aspirations for the regeneration of Hounslow town centre

·         Establish land use and design principles for the delivery of future development in the area

·         Provide guidance to support the determination of planning applications

·         Ensure all developments contribute to the town centre regeneration objectives

·         Direct planning contributions towards local infrastructure improvements

 The masterplan and the SPD address important areas of change within the town centre. This includes the provision of new shops, offices, leisure and community facilities, the creation of new residential communities and improvements to the town centre environment. It identifies the key development sites and ensures that development will come forward in a coordinated way and address the following town centre objectives:

 1. Strengthening Hounslow’s performance as local and metropolitan centre

Improving the retail and business performance of the town centre together with an enhanced cultural offer, will create the potential for Hounslow to compete regionally with London’s other metropolitan centres.

 2. Improving design quality

Enhancing design quality in the town centre will promote Hounslow as a welcoming and attractive place to live, work, visit and invest in.

 3. Improving access, arrival and wayfinding

Build on the good level of public transport accessibility by improving the experience of visitors as they arrive and navigate their way through the centre.


March 1, 2012

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