Have Your Say on Improvements for Cyclists

Pinpoint Hounslow's cycling problems on the interactive map

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Have you ever cycled around the borough and wished the council would make a small change to a street or open space in order to make things better (safer, more comfortable or convenient, quicker etc) for those on two wheels? If you have we want to hear from you!

Using the wizzy cycle improvement interactive map you can now pinpoint the exact locations that you'd like to see improved. It could be a better cycle lane, a simple drop kerb, a dedicated cut-through for cyclists, more cycle parking, improved signage or even a new greenway through a park or open space.


You'll see there's already been some thinking about the Isleworth and Brentford area, have a flick through to get some ideas.

These ideas will be worked up into schemes to be delivered over the next few years - this forms part of the Network 2020 programme which aims to harness the Highways Maintenance Private Finance Initiative (the biggest ever investment in our streets which starts in 2013) to develop a sustainable transport network fit for the future.

Get plotting! You have until 1 November 2011.


August 18, 2011

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