Cyclists Injured After Colliding With Traffic Scheme Road Blocks

Concerns raised about lack of lighting of new obstacles

Aftermath of collision with bollard. ŠKen Rake Worldwide Images Ltd
Aftermath of collision with bollard. ©Ken Rake Worldwide Images Ltd


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Two cyclists have reportedly been injured after colliding with new road blocks placed on Junction Road on the border of Brentford and Ealing.

The obstacles on Junction Road have been put in place as part of a Low Traffic Neighbourhood Scheme by Ealing Council.

In one incident a cyclist who was doing local voluntary activity smashed into a new barrier that had been recently placed on the road. He was cut and bruised by the fall but decline the help of those who came to assist him. He finished the delivery run he was on before going to seek treatment. He asked passersby to act as witnesses should he decide to make a claim for the damage that resulted to his bike but was unwilling to be named in this article..

In a second collision on Saturday 15 August a woman collided with an unlit bollard on the same street. Local residents have pointed out that the lighting in the road late at night dims and rendered the obstruction invisible. Concerns have been raised that similar incidents could occur if the road closures are not made more visible at night.

©Ken Rake Worldwide Images Ltd

She was given first aid by a passer-by and a family member came to collect her by car.

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August 21, 2020

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