24-hour Booze Retailer Plans Storage Unit Operation

Online sales would be delivered from container on Transport Avenue

The Wow Storage facility in Brentford. Picture: Twitter


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April 20, 2023

An application has been made to Hounslow Council to sell alcohol from a storage unit in a container yard in Brentford.

Booze London Ltd is seeking permission to deliver drink 24 hours a day, seven days a week for orders made online including through delivery apps like UberEats and Deliveroo.

The stock would be stored in Unit 54 of the Wow Storage facility on Transport Avenue. The application says that the yard has state of the art security with electronic gates and no public access and that no direct sales would be made from the site.

The orders would be packed and despatched from the unit which is secured when not in use with a roller shutter.

Booze London Ltd was incorporated last month by a Mr Madan Lal who is the sole director and it has a registered address at a flat in Wembley.

Comments on the application can be sent to the Hounslow Licensing team at Licensing@hounslow.gov.uk and must be received by 11 May.

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