British Waterways Plan Brentford Waterways

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Brentford Survey - What's It All About? - the full-sized survey

Brentford Community Council

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BCC logoBritish Waterways have produced a draft Design and Use document intended to inform development on and around Brentford's waterways. British Waterways have asked for Brentford Community Council's contribution to this, who would want this to be the result of as wide a proportion of the community as possible.

The document can be viewed on the Brentford Community Council website. Could all who are interested and have ideas please email them into the BCC site? The existing document does not just affect the canal, it affects, for example, Robin Grove and the allotments alongside, as BW suggest digging out the bottom of Robin Grove park for extra mooring spaces. Good idea or bad? We need you to tell us what you think. The BCC's draft comments can also be read

You don't have to be restricted to comment on the draft Strategy, which omits things like increasing and refurbishing local boatyards for example (Ridgeways might never have existed according to this document, despite being a significant element in the BAAP). Have another look at Hounslow's Brentford Area Action Plan where waterways are dealt with, and come up with your own ideas as how those could best be implemented and improved. Even better, come up with your own original ideas.

Comments can be emailed to preferably before the next meeting on February 3rd to which all are welcome.



January 20, 2011

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