10 Years of brag (brentford recycling action group) |
Recycling in Brentford going strong
Patti Horsnell holds up brag's celebratory cake on the 10th anniversary of Brentford Recycling Action Group, surrounded by members, most of whom have been there from the start. Councillor Reid (who has recently passed the recycling brief to Councillor Thompson) sent the Council’s best wishes to brag on this notable anniversary, acknowledging the borough’s longstanding partnership with the group, and wished them well for their continuing work in the years ahead. Congratulations are also deserved for brag's 'Young Green Voices' project, now in its second year. Four primary schools in Brentford created a magazine all about waste and recycling which was distributed to all households. brag was fortunate to have three key speakers at its 10th AGM. Natasha Epstein, Head of Waste and Recycling gave an update on the current waste and recycling position. Dan Brook, Waste and Recycling Officer from Hounslow’s Space Waye Reuse and Recycling Centre, gave us an outline of services at Space Waye; he did very well for his first ever presentation. Jim Brennan, Director of West London Waste, gave us the background to that organization, talked about what happens to non-recyclable waste items, the amount of landfill in use, our targets for waste reduction, waste being sent abroad, use of incinerators and vision for the future. If you would like to find more about what brag does, please have a look at brag's website. Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month, with Green Drinks in the Magpie & Crown afterwards.
November 13, 2009 |