An Appeal for Boston Manor Park |
Brentford Festival's wonderful organiser, Linda Massey, appeals for responses to Boston Manor Park Survey
You may not have got down to the Brentford Festival on Sunday when a survey was taking place with regard to Boston Manor Park and House. Indeed you may not have got through the many crowds. Thank you for supporting this event if you managed to get there. I request that as many people as possible complete the questionnaire on line (before 17th September so perhaps you could complete it now) to allow Hounslow Council to assist with the consideration of the future of Boston Manor Park and House. Please go online to It is rather long but in my opinion is extremely important and should therefore go to as many people as possible who care! As someone who has been active in the park since 2003 I will share a few of my own thoughts. Parking in the area has always been bad but now that controlled parking has been introduced it is virtually impossible for park users to be able to access the park by car during the week. Weekends when the commuters have all gone is not a problem generally. Shaming and blaming - this is not only GSK personnel but those working at TVU who see it as a free local car park on their doorstep. As an association we challenged the lack of parking spaces on both sites when they applied for planning - of course we are now being proved right - that adequate facilities were not in place. An active tennis club has been in operation since 2004 and it is the Friends who fundraised for the refurbishment of the courts a few years ago. They are prepared to do so again to provide lighting to allow end of day use (including the lessons that happen after school) so I support the idea of introducing lighting to the tennis courts and in particular along the path from the car park to the courts to help with security. I would like to see the house open but as a rate payer (even if I do not live in the same borough) would not wish to see that the public no longer have access. I agree though that there is a need for it to generate an income for its upkeep. Enough from me - please give your own opinion by answering the questionnaire it will be much appreciated. September 8, 2010 |