Age Concern Wins Award |
Food Growing With Organic Garden
Age Concern Hounslow have been successful in achieving a £2,500 award from Groundwork and BAA to develop their Organic Garden and intergenerational working. The project aims to work under the Reduce, Re-use and Recycle theme, focused on food growing within the organic garden. They want to use older people as a resource to share their skills with the younger generation. Past interaction with younger people has shown that they have lots to offer to and the sharing of skills can bridge the generation gap. Once the produce has been planted, seeded and cared for, it will be used to host a number of lunch events for the elderly in Hounslow – which will be prepared and cooked by the buddies. In addition to the lunch events, Age Concern Hounslow will be hosting Healthy Eating workshops and working with local schools and the youth service to run a number of cookery events. This will include younger people teaching older people how to prepare wraps, smoothies, pizzas, omelettes experimenting with different vegetables. Older people will teach other recipes including stews, pies, chutneys, how to pickle and lots more. The recipes will be published along with photos of working together and good practice in a handy brochure. Those involved will help with the design. Age Concern Hounslow says: “So now that we have all the funding, we need people who are interested in the project to put their name down – it’s a fun project where you will learn lots, share and develop your skills and have fun.” Age Concern Hounslow is at Alexandra House, Albany Rd, Brentford, TW8 0NE (map) September 18, 2009 |