January Update from Police

Drugs, burglary, bike thefts and anti social behaviour


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Community Support Officer PCSO Faisal Puttray
Brentford Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)
Brentford Police Station
Half Acre

Office tel: 020 82475974
020 8721 2533
Mobile tel: 07881723891

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The team conducts regular street briefings and drop-in surgeries to communicate with residents in person on given dates and times. The team deployed uniform and plain clothes including night patrols to combat burglaries on the sector and we work in partnership with our BOCU Crime Prevention Officers to provide residents extra attention for their home security arrangements. We send out regular messages update via the neighborhood link. We covered most of the sector during Street a Week initiative and this afforded us opportunity to increase the number of neighbourhood watch coordinators. All burglary reports are assessed by experienced detectives and supervised by on duty sergeants attending the venues alongside expert scene of crime officers. Victim reassurance visits are completed by the team and vulnerable persons are referred to Council safeguards team if appropriate. We maintain the monitoring of known suspects on out integrated offender management scheme/data base using GPS tracking device.

Drug Dealing/Using
The team executes at least 2 court issued drugs search warrants every week coordinated by our sector intelligence officer. There have been several arrests from these warrants with positive results and seizure of copper pipes from one such address. Residents are encouraged to liaise with the team concerning drug dealings on the sector. The team also work in partnership with LBH, HH teams and DWP executing warrants. Leaflets are distributed in surrounding roads during these Operations, raising awareness in the community.

CCTV cameras are used to combat ASB at known locations. We maintain regular patrols using predictive statistics at known locations across the sector. The team regularly engages with youths at beginning and end of schools as part of an established Op protect across the borough. Our BOCU dedicated ASB desk make initial contact with residents reporting ASB issues prior to the team conducting a follow up reassurance visits or case manage the situation via Airspace providing regular updates and sharing best practice on the borough and MPS. Advice and support measures are implemented as appropriate to individuals. We work in partnership with other agencies to coordinate achievable targets. We encourage more community involvement/partnership to improve the quality of life for our residents.



All burglary reports are assessed by experienced detectives and supervised by on duty sergeants attending the venues alongside expert scene of crime officers. Victim reassurance visits are completed by the team and vulnerable persons are referred to Council safeguards team if appropriate. The team deployed uniform and plain clothes including night patrols to combat burglaries on the sector. The team works in partnership with TX Crime Prevention Officers in order to provide our residents extra attention for their home security arrangements. We send out regular messages update via the neighborhood link. We have covered most of the sector during Street a Week initiative and this has afforded us opportunity to increase the number of neighbourhoods watch coordinators. The team conducts regular street briefings and drop-in surgeries to communicate with residents in person on a given dates and times. Stop and search during patrols resulted in an arrest of a known local burglar. We monitor burglary suspects using GPS tracking device under Integrated Offender Management scheme.

Theft of pedal cycles
The team works in partnership with other agencies such as West Middlesex University Hospital, Hounslow council community safety coordinator and Safer Transport Team to deliver bike marking events with notifications. We maintain regular high visibility patrols on the sector. Registration of pedal cycles by residents is encouraged via immobilize.com websites. Leaflets, street briefings/meetings and drop-in surgeries are utilised by the team to deliver basic cycle security measures. We also deploy plain clothes cycle patrols and decoy tactics to apprehend suspected perpetrators. The team carry out a minimum of one court issued residential search warrant weekly with positive results.

Our BOCU dedicated ASB desk make initial contact with residents reporting ASB issues prior to the team conducting a follow up reassurance visits or case manage the situation via Airspace providing regular updates and sharing best practice on the borough and MPS. Advice and support measures are implemented as appropriate to individuals. We work in partnership with other agencies and coordinate actions to achieve positive results. CCTV cameras are utilised to combat ASB at known locations. We maintain regular patrols using predictive statistics at known locations across the sector. We currently have only one person on ABC and looking at another for the purposes of addressing reported ASB matters. The team regularly engages with youths at beginning and end of schools as part of an established Op protect across the borough. Good quality of life is essential for community cohesion.

January 13, 2014

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