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Brentford Police Newsletter Issue 1 July 2005

Welcome to our first news letter telling you what is happening in your area, local police objectives and results and how you can contribute by working in partnership with the police.

Lindsey Hannigan
Brentford Sector Inspector

Introduction to the Team
I am Inspector Lindsey Hannigan, responsible for the Isleworth & Brentford Sector. I have a dedicated Sector Team who are committed to tackling community issues. The officers are:

· Sergeant Steve Mewse;
· PC Peter Coles (Haverfield Estate);
· PC Zoe Mann (Ivybridge Estate);
· PC Liegh Wagg (The Syon Estate);
· PC Patrick Watters (Clayponds & Gunnersbury);
· PC David Hooper (Brentford High Street and environs);
· PC Chris Mclean (Isleworth & West Middlesex Hospital);
· PC Mark Hughes (Sector Intelligence Officer);
· PC Phil Beal (Safer Schools Partnership).
Police Community Support Officers:
PCSO Jessie Rees;
PSCO Gurbir Nanrah;
PCSO John Yarde;
PCSO Faisal Puttyraj;
PCSO Daniel Haydon;
PCSO Shakti Banger.

Safer Neighbourhood Team
I am delighted that a dedicated Safer Neighbourhood Team has been set up in the Osterley Ward. The team consists of one Sergeant, two police officers and up to 3 PCSOs. They will be a dedicated team 'Ring fenced' to deal with issues affecting that Ward. The team have already started up a series of consultation processes and are tackling community concerns such as anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and burglary problems.
The team are currently:
Sergeant Dave Bowers
PC Chris Lavender
PC Waqas Kaini and
PCSO Pammy Bassi

Over this current financial year, as well as the normal policing targets, the team are dedicated to delivering on the following key areas:
1. Motor vehicle crime - crime prevention measure including publicity.
2. Safer Isleworth & Brentford - publishing information, websites and new members to join community meetings.
3. Anti-Social behaviour campaign - With support agencies/groups decrease incidents of anti-social behaviour.
4. Graffiti campaign - areas identified and cleaned with Local Authority Partners.
5. Reduction of youth Crime - targeting youths up to 18years with diversion programmes.
6. Burglary Initiatives - Campaign to reduce artifice burglaries.
7. Drugs Campaign - Increase number of arrests, referrals and close premises involved in supply of drugs.
8. Truancy Patrols - local initiatives with education welfare officers.
9. Promote Ringmaster - increase membership and promotion.
News Stories

As part of our crime prevention campaign officers and PCSOs have continued to target set areas and have successfully promoted 'Ringmaster' to residents and the vulnerable.
There have been concerns with residents and the local community around the Syon Estate with anti-social behaviour. Following the collation of and good intelligence gathering using 'incident diaries', CCTV cameras, professional witness accounts and public information a Dispersal Order was obtained under the Crime and Disorder Act. This expires in November 2005. As a result there has so far been a 95% reduction in reported anti-social behaviour.
Police at Brentford were recently involved in the execution of a search warrant for stolen property. As a result a number of arrests were made and large quantities of personal property, some of significant sentimental value, were recovered. An Open Day was held at the station and a number of victims were reunited with their possession

Crime comparisons for April/June 05
(compared to same quarter last year)
· Motor vehicle crime - 16% increase
· Anti-social behaviour - 7% decrease
· Incidents of graffiti - 425% increase
· Reports of youth crime - 2% increase
· Reports of Artifice Burglary - 33% decrease
· Drugs offences (possession & supply) - 6% decrease.

Forthcoming Public Meetings
· Community and Police Consultative Group at 7pm on 19th September. Venue awaits.
· Isleworth & Brentford Area Committee meeting at 7.30pm on the 29th September 2005. Venue Brentford Free Church, Boston Manor Road, Brentford (opposite The Butts).

Do you know about crime trends in your area?
Well 8,000 other people do.
By ringing 020 82476443 to join to obtain a free messaging scheme which passes on information from Hounslow Borough to the public. The messages concern local crime trends (plus advice), appeals for witnesses/info, scams, comment in the area etc.
How are they transmitted?
By recorded phone message/fax/e-mail.
If you are out when the phone rings to deliver a message it will try again later, or leave a message on an answerphone.
Ringmaster will phone at a time that suits YOU.

Isleworth and Brentford Contacts
Brentford Police Station Office
Open from 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
020 8247 5926

Brentford Sector Office (with Answerphone)
020 8247 5989

Crime Prevention Officer
0208 247 6424

0800 555 111

What Information would you like in future newsletters?

Write to Insp. Lindsey Hannigan at
Brentford Police Station
Half Acre,
E mail to:

9 Aug 2005