What's moving on the high street?

What is a "Brentford Passport?"

Related Links

www.brentfordhighstreet.org.uk for information on meetings that take place on 3rd Monday of every month, 6.30pm at Watermans.

Empty shops revival plan to prevent high street decline

Communities and Local Government

Brentford High Street Steering Group

Brentford Chamber of Commerce

Qulliam Property Services

What's happening on the high street

Windows on Brentford Project

Switch-On Party at the Watermans Arts Centre

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Highlights of the recent Brentford High Street Steering Group follow. If you would like to find out what's behind some of these items, have any comment or would like to help, please email the editor or post on the forum. Andrew Dakers can be contacted on 07788 116159 or via email at andrew.dakers@blueyonder.co.uk

3. Marketing

3.1 Anti-litter campaign – What a load of rubbish!

This was implemented at a startling rate by Sarah Hoyle in past month; signs / competition are already advertised on Brentford High Street; all schools know about it! This venture is supported by AllSignsGroup, Quilliam and Watermans (who will help with the press)

3.3 Branding & signage - feedback....

Steering Group suggested that we should look at slightly simpler, more contemporary design/ finish to signage units - removing the finials. Want to try steam museum tower straight on rather than 3D in logo. Suggested that a more Art Deco typeface would be interesting - locally appropriate with Great West Rd link. Concern that letters in logo are floating loose. Could we try a version with top on signage in scarlet red - closer to Brentford FC? Also try darker range of blues as an alternative palette? Survey to be undertaken by Nick from Butterfly Girl to consider where brand could be retrofitted and to survey where we could declutter town signage. Suggested that we should look to develop a digital signage project next

See Signage Proposals for examples

3.4 'Brentford Passport'

4. A safe town centre

4.1 Brentford Business Watch

A few criminal activities incl flytipping ….car broken; Graffiti on Dock Rd and British Waterways property

4.2 Engaging Young People

Could we promote Summer Uni on the High Street – through traders and Community Safety Officers?; Detached Outreach Team (DOT)?

5. Economic development

5.1 Joint meeting with Brentford Chamber

5.2 Arts/ crafts space on south side of high street

Cllrs Hardy and Harmer met with representatives of the site owners and the Director of a company that turns commercial spaces into studios etc for artists. We looked at four premises.

One is being progressed, the office building opposite Somerfield/ Morrisons, and we expect news soon. The other sites are impressive in their own ways but would cost too much, we are told, to do the necessary conversions given the short leases that would be provided. Free lease with security of building?

The oversupply of commercial property in London means that there is no shortage of potential sites.

5.3 Motion to Isleworth and Brentford Area Committee - progress report

Update to Monitoring Committee on Thursday

5.4 Somerfield -> Morrisons transition

5.5 Business Link Training – 30th June

6. Regeneration

6.1 Meetings with Ballymore - progress reports

7. AOB

Car park now open; Brunel dock to celebrate its 100th anniversary - local residents keen to link up with Steering Group on this

May 22, 2009